making of
"Young Man's
Young Man's Dream
A few years ago I was playing through some songs I wrote back in the 70's and worked up the arrangement of a song called: "I'll Get By" . . . I was lamenting about those days as I was playing it and started singing "It's a Young Man's Dream" at the end of the tune. Back then I was intent on pursuing a career in the Music Business and 40 years later, was tagging the tune with 'young man's dream' . . that's what it was . . I decided that the songs were still alive to me and recorded a bunch of them from my 70's catalog with a couple of favorite covers from the same time period . . I've got a bunch of material from back there so I suspect I'll put another one together. My buddy, Paul Dionne, took the photo on the roof of our apartment building in Boulder, CO back in 1972. Had to add it to the artwork.