3.20/24: Big News! I've just booked my first ever concert in the Great State of Maine at the Boreal Theater in beautiful downtown Millinocket. I'm doing a 7pm show on Friday, June 7. See you there . . .
Here's a link: https://borealtheater.org/event/vini-contreas/
3.10/24: "Nelson Person" is now available in the Streaming world. There will be a succession of 14 singles released over the next 14 months with the first single out now! Check out the first single "Sea Of The People" wherever you stream and turn it up. Visit the Nelson Person Page HERE . . .
12/29/23: I'm releasing a song a week throughout 2024. I'm producing a video series called "Every Song Has A Story" in which I'll give a short story regarding the writing and recording of the tune. It'll be fun for me. I hope you check some of them out . . Looking forward to big blessings in 2024!!
7/22/23: Case In Point now streaming everywhere!!
Check it out here: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/vinicontreas/case-in-point
5/18/23: Big News!! I'm releasing "Case In Point" on July 22. This CD was the first "Home" recording, painstakingly (or painfully) recorded in the livingroom of my house in Anza, CA with Marcus Bush and myself working with ProTools 8.0. Having no idea what we were doing but forging ahead sight unseen . . I released it for friends in 2016 but was unhappy with the sound so . . in 2019 with some new tools and time to spare did a deep wax and polish job and voila! it's ready for the streaming world! Click on the image on the right for the first video. Don't miss this one. It's all Blood, Sweat & Tears with eyes fixed on the King and Creator of all things, The Lord Jesus. All praise and glory to Him!! Click here for more info and credits
4/6/23: In 2007 I did a two week "tour" in England promoting my "Kingdom of Conscience" CD (soon to be re-released as "The Invitation") and had a flurry of press over there. The record was reviewed by a couple of different publications, one of them being the "Never For Nothing" Newsletter, a monthly offering written by Geoff Howlett from the UK. He recently reviewed "Carousel" . . Click Here for the link or the image to read it .

3/7/23: The Making of "Carousel"
2/15/23: Big news today. My first new release of the year. "Carousel" has been waiting in the cue since a remix 4 years ago in Nashville, TN. Recorded in SoCal at BeautifulGate Studios in the fall of 2013 except "On A Carousel" recorded in Nashville 5 years later. On listening to the Hollies hit from 1967, I was moved to change the name of the Original release to "Carousel" as it seemed to fit the general theme of the record. This is kind of a concept record as the songs are all about a break-up. There are two covers, the title song and "Expecting to Fly" by Neil Young from the Buffalo Springfield days. I'm pretty excited about getting this one out there. Click on the image to the right for more info . . .
7/19/22: I attend "Great Rock Church" in Danvers, MA. It's a Calvary Chapel associated with the movement started by Pastor Chuck Smith in So Cal in the late 60's. Great Rock was started about 15 years ago by Pastor Mat Nadworny and is a flourishing ministry. Pastor Mat started a Men's Training Center about 10 years ago that offers a 6 month program of rehabilitation to men labored with drug and alcohol addictions that has delivered many men out of their abuses and in some cases set them up in the ministry. One of these men, Mike Petrino, has moved into the Pastorate and is now planting a church on the South Shore in Bridgewater, MA. "Great Rock Church South Shore." Another brother from the church, Jay, who has lived with Pastor Mat and his family suggested to me month or so ago that I should go down and do worship for him. Long Story short, I'm going to do worship every Sunday. I'm blessed to be back doing worship again . . .
7/12/22: "Who Is Nelson Person" is now in release and can be heard here:
6/8/22: I'm releasing: "Who Is Nelson Person" on 6/28/22. It's a 4 song EP that was recorded back in 1983. All-star line up is Mark 'Guitar' Miller on Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Roger Kimball on Bass, Danny Paradis on Drums, Howard Roark (aka: Brad Delp) on background vocals. I'm on Acoustic & Electric Rhythm Guitars and Lead Vocals and Harry King is on keys as well as in the production seat with myself.
5/26/22: The show at Great Rock Church went well. We had about 50 people show up and they were really receptive. Gave away a bunch of CD's. Tori came in and set up the cameras so I'm editing as we speak and hope to post on YouTube by the weekend.
5/14/22: Out to dinner a couple months ago with Rick Pierro and some friends, I met Rick's cousin, Joe Spina. At the table Joe was talking about his weekly TV Show on Lynn Community TV. As we were chatting, I mentioned that I had a Music Ministry that I was putting out there, playing Free Concerts at Churches and almost jokingly said to Joe, "Why don't you have me on your show?" and he said "Sure let's do it" . . So here it is . . Thank you so much, Joe!
5/4/22: The first of many concerts (I hope) is scheduled for Friday, May 20 at Great Rock Church. I'm very excited about it!! I have no expectations at all except to Praise the Living God that set it up. This has been on my heart for years and look forward to what He has in mind.
4/6/22: I've added a Music Ministry Page to the site . . I'm gonna start
chasing churches to play free concerts.

1/25/22: Back in the 80's I was in a couple of bands. I did some recording with both of them and am putting together a release schedule for the work. This is all "BC" (before Christ) material . . "Nelson Person" played the Boston Scene for about 3 years in the mid 80's. We recorded a 10 song LP as well as a 4 song EP. The precursor to the Nelson Person projects was a solo 4 song EP that I titled "Who Is Nelson Person?" recorded with a different line up. These songs ended up fitting prominently in the Nelson Person Show. "The Salesmen" was another group that I recorded a 4 song EP with and then later on, much later on, we put together another project that is still getting finalized. That stuff is down the road but stay tuned. The Nelson Person work will be released this summer with the 3 releases running a month apart, June, July and August. You don't want to miss it . .
12/17/2021 ... Jesus, Born The King of Kings is released today. I wrote this 10 or 15 years ago and have finally, after several versions, decided to release it in it's simplest form. Listen: Spotify YouTube
10/22/2021 ... "Revelations is set for release on 10/31/2021 and is available for pre-sale on iTunes here: Pre-save on Spotify here: Read all about it here: "Revelations"
10/11/2021 ... More Than a Feeling Released!! Check it out here: "More Than A Feeling"
9/27/2021 ... I'm releasing a single on 10/11. A cover song: "More Than A Feeling" by Boston. BackStory: I graduated in 1969 from Danvers High School. There were and still are, some outstanding people in our class. One of them was Brad Delp. Brad and I met in Junior High in the same division and became friends. We were both Beatle fans but Brad was on another level. His bedroom walls at home were plastered with cut out Beatle pictures from magazines. We sang Beatle songs in the stairwell of his house together cause there was some reverb in the stairwell. In 1976 I released "Wild Strawberries" and gave Brad a call to swing by and give him a copy. When I got there he had a demo pressing of "Boston" . . . We listened to my record first and then his. Before he dropped the needle, he hesitated and took a moment to apologize for his voice. I accepted the apology. The rest is history. So . . this release is a nod to Brad. Everyone that knew him loved him and he is missed by millions . . . It's a different take but I'm sure he would approve. He always was a great encouragement to me.
8/8/2021 ... Releasing "Young Man's Dream" on 8/12/2021. A few years ago I was playing through some songs I wrote back in the 70's and worked up the arrangement of a song called: "I'll Get By" . . . I was lamenting about those days as I was playing it and started singing "It's a Young Man's Dream" at the end of the tune. Back then I was intent on pursuing a career in the Music Business and 40 years later, was tagging the tune with 'young man's dream' . . that's what it was . . I decided that the songs were still alive to me and recorded a bunch of them from my 70's catalog with a couple of favorite covers from the same time period . . I've got a bunch of material from back there so I suspect I'll put another one together.
4/27/2021 ... Putting finishing touches on the Release of "Revelations"
1/21/2021 ... Started a new YouTube Chanel: Songs From A Room with Vini Contreas ... Dedicated to Solo performances of Originals as well as favorite covers. Releasing an average of a couple videos a week. Check it out HERE ...
1/18/2021 ... "Standing Man" released as a whole Album. I think I'm gonna pull all the "single" releases. Didn't get much action out of that strategy.
8/3/2020 ... I'm releasing "Standing Man" on Friday, Sept. 4 2020. I'll be releasing one song at a time starting every Friday at 12 pm for 16 weeks worldwide so set your phones and reminders to be there!
My Dad bought me my first guitar for my 12th Birthday and I couldn’t put it down. The Beatles were on Ed Sullivan a couple of months later and that was that. I grew up in the 50's & 60's and toured solo through the 70’s so all of the artists of that era are my musical influences. I released a local record, 'Wild Strawberries' in '76 in Brewer Maine on Harry King's "Audem" Label. I got off the road in 1980 and got a “day” job playing in a few original bands in the Boston scene thru that decade. I moved to California in '90 where I met Almighty God and accepted Him as Lord (the biggest decision of my life!!!). My original plan in moving to California was to pursue a songwriting career but instead I started writing and playing worship as well as writing contemporary Christian material. In 2020 I moved back to my hometown in Danvers, MA, by way of Nashville, TN, where I stopped for a five-year layover.
Over the years, whenever I had money I spent it on recording. I’ve recorded numerous projects, both solo as well as with a couple of bands I was involved in. I always just manufactured CDs and gave them away but I’ve decided to release everything into the digital world for the sake of posterity and legacy and to honor the Lord. I consider everything I've ever done musically to be an offering to the Lord. He gave me whatever I have and I'm inclined, feel obligated and consider it a privilege to just give it back to Him. Whether 'secular' or 'Christian' music, it's born out of gifting that is from God. I don't need an audience, per se. It's making the music that does it for me. I have to admit, though, whenever I see that I've had a couple of listens, it blesses my heart greatly . . Hardcopy CDs are and will be available here. Thanks for checking in and listening. Praise the Living King! God be glorified!
And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for works of ministry and to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ.…